Livia Helena de Moraes, Ph.D. Wendy Chen Gunther, Ph.D. Marilia Kamil, Ph.D. Marina McLerran, Ph.D. Andrew Richardson, M.M. Giulia Ripani, Ph.D. Tina Beveridge, Ph.D. Catherine Bennett Walling, Ph.D. Nicolas Coffman, Ph.D. Margaret Flood, Ph.D. Julia Klingner, M.M. Marina McLerran, M.M. Sheerin Berte, Ph.D. Wendy Gunther, M.M. Laurie Peebles, Ph.D. Melissa Ryan, Ph.D. Robert Saunders, Ph.D.2024
A Multiple Case Study of Divisive Concepts Laws: Music Teachers' Perspectives
“Let their Voices be Heard”: A Case Study of a Holistic Curriculum Integrating Music, Literature, Creativity, and Social-emotional Learning
Instituto Baccarelli, Where Music Transforms: A Case Study of Music for Social Change
A Measure of Expression in Instrumental Performance
Attitudes and Implementation of the National Core Arts Standards: Florida secondary choral educators2023
The Effect of Acculturation, Social Support, and Music Self-Perceptions on Latino Immigrant Children's Acculturative Stress in Music Classes: A SEM Model2022
An Historical Case Study of Public School Music Education in Portland, Oregon, 1990-20152021
Becoming: A Grounded Theory of Culturally Responsible Music Teaching in an Age of Change
Finding My Sound: Creative Musical Identity Development of Undergraduates in a Popular Electronic Music Program
Code-switching Behaviors in a Secondary Band Director
Perceptions of New Music Teachers in Florida Toward Their Induction Process
Instrumental Music Education for Middle School Students with Hearing Impairment2020
The Lived Experience of Adult Musicians with Dyscalculia: A Heuristic Inquiry
The Unicorns of Elementary Schools: A Collective Case Study of Male Elementary General Music Teachers
Personality and the Quality of the Music Therapy Supervisor-Intern Relationship
Social Justice Pedagogy in Elementary Music: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices
Mandolin Parallels and Their Effects on Beginning Violin Achievement
Giulia Ripani, M.M. Víctor Manuel Rubio Carrillo, M.M. Vimari Colón León, Ph.D. Donna Hewitt, Ph.D. Kat Reinhert, Ph.D. Johanna E. Abril, Ph.D. Sandra Sanchez Adorno, Ph.D. Melissa Eick, M.M. Molly Page, M.M. Carolyn Dachinger, Ph.D. Candice Davenport, Ph.D. Craig Denison, Ph.D. Hyun-Jung Lee, Ph.D. Peter J. Hamlin, Ph.D. Steven Scher, M.M. Jennifer Lee Doyle, Ph.D. Eunju Jeong, Ph.D. Susana M. Lalama, M.M. Linda Lathroum, Ph.D. Adrienee Wills, M.M. Brian Wuttke, Ph.D. Caroline Elizabeth Morris, M.M. Bradley C. Olesen, Ph.D. 2019
Children's Social Representations of Music
A Musical Breathing Approach with Guitar Performance2018
A Model of Parental Involvement in the Music Education of Students with Special Education Needs
The Impact of a Professional Development Program in Popular Music on a Music Teacher’s Beliefs and Practices
Developing Popular Music Programs in Higher Education: Exploring Possibilities2017
The State of Music Education in Basic General Public Schools of Ecuador: The Administrators' Perspective
Navigating Identities: The Musical Lives of Four Second-Generation Immigrant Children in Miami, Florida
Background Characteristics, Identity Issues, and Mentoring Process Perceptions of Undergraduate Instrumentalists as Predictors of Applied Music Teaching Success
Running as a Treatment for Music Performance Anxiety2016
The Effect of a Music-Movement Intervention on Arousal and Cognitive Flexibility in Older Adults With and Without Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
A Model of Classroom Environment and Social-Psychological Factors Influencing Computer-Based Compositional Creativity2015
A Structural Model of Physiological and Psychological Effects on Adolescent Male Singing
The Effect of Auditory Pitch Range on Sustained and Selective Attention: A Comparison of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically-Developing Children2014
Deliberate Practice of High School Instrumentalists: A Theoretical Model
Susana M. Lalama, Ph.D.
Perceived Caring Climate, Empathy, and Student Social Behavior in High School Bands
Lindsay Moraczewski, M.M.
Functional Harmony: The Social Culture of a High School Orchestra
Ahmad Rithaudin Md Noor, Ph.D.
The Effectiveness of Electronic (e-Learning) on Music Theory and Music Appreciation Achievement of Form 1 (Grade 7) Malaysian Secondary School Students
Music Technology in the Classroom: Use, Accessibility, and Professional Development of Delaware K-12 Music Educators2012
The Effects of Teacher Background, Teacher Preparation, and Support on Attitudes and Expectations of K-12 Urban Music Educators
Kathryn L. Simon, Ph.D.
Predictors of Classroom Management Challenges and Practices of Secondary Choral Music Educators
E. Gaile Stephens, Ph.D.
Formation and Prediction of the Singing Perceptions of Self-Labeled Singers and Non-Singers
Brian C. Wesolowski, Ph.D.
Testing a Model of Jazz Rhythm: Validating a Microstructural Swing Paradigm
Alaina Galliford Lorenzo, M.M.
The Effect of Verbal Versus Nonverbal Parent Cues on Children's Listening Skills
Monica J. Kurtz, M.M.
The Impact of Teacher Intensity on Student Motivation in the 4th and 5th Grade Music Classroom: A Case Study
Sandra Mercedez Sanchez, M.M.
Individual Adequacy of Immersed Music Program Participants
Development and Validation of a Music-based Attention Assessment for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
A Comparison of Student and Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Management in Secondary Band Rehearsals in Florida Schools
The Role of Music Perception in Predicting Phonological Awareness in Five- and Six-Year-Old Children
Relationships Among Musical Home Environment, Parental Involvement, Demographic Characteristics, and Early Childhood Music Participation
A Model Describing the Effects of Equipment, Instruction and Director and Student Attributes on Wind-Band Intonation2010
A Comparison of the Use of Composition as a Teaching Tool in Music Classrooms of the United States and United Kingdom
The Impact of Background, Choral Conducting Training and Music Teaching Style on the Choral Warm-up Philosophy and Practices of Successful High School Choral Directors
Brian Russell, Ph.D.
The Empirical Testing of Musical Performance Assessment Paradigm
Jennifer Lee Doyle, M.M. Sarah Duncan, M.M. Julie Stordahl, Ph.D. Brian Russell, M.M. Hayoung Lim, Ph.D. Charles Ciorba, Ph.D. Lourinda S. Crochet, Ph.D. Janet Kirsten, Ph.D. Kathleen M. Light, Ph.D. Kelly A. Parkes, Ph.D. Nathan Rinnert, Ph.D. Sandra Schwartz, Ph.D. Patricia O. Englehardt, Ph.D. Melissa Lesniak, Ph.D. Jeannine Mongeon, Ph.D. Jay Dorfman, M.M. Joy Galliford, Ph.D. Christopher R. Sweeney, Ph.D. Thelma B. Alvarez, Ph.D. Roger A. Mason, Ph.D. Mohammed A. Soulayman, Ph.D. Khaled M. Almujarreb, Ph.D. Mahmoud A. Faraj, Ph.D. 2009
Music Teacher Perceptions of Issues and Problems in Urban Elementary Schools
Assessment Practices of String Teachers
The Influence of Music on Depression, Affect, and Benefit Finding Among Women at the Completion of Treatment for Breast Cancer2007
The Development of a Guitar Performance Rating Scale Using Facet-factorial Approach
The Effect of "Developmental Speech-Language Training through Music" on Speech Production in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders2006
The Creation of a Model to Predict Jazz Improvisation Achievement
Repertoire Selection Practices of Band Directors as a Function of Teaching Experience, Training, Instructional Level, and Degree of Success
Pre-Kindergarten Music Education Standards and the Opportunity-to-Learn Standards as applied to preschool settings in the United States
Continuing in Band: Marketing to Incoming High School Students
The Effect of Performance Rubrics on College-Level Applied Studio Grading
A History of the Bands at the Teachers' School in Mansfield, Pennsylvania, 1871--1971
Vocal Health of Middle School and High School Choral Directors2005
The Effect of the Yamaha Music in Education Keyboard Instructional Approach on the Musical and Nonmusical Outcomes of Middle School Students
Attitudes Towards String Education Among Collegiate String Faculty2004
The effects of Left-hand Exercises on Beginning Upper String Performers' Intonation and Facility2003
The Integration of Computer Technology into Music Teacher Training Curricula : An Historical Perspective
The Effects of Music Experience During Early Childhood on the Development of Linguistic and Non-linguistic Skills2002
The Effects of Structured Practice on the Performance Skills of Middle School First-year Band Students2001
The experience of being a mother of children up to two-and-a-half years old and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music
Audiation, Cochlear Function, and the Musical Ear of Alfred Tomatis
A Review and Survey of Current Practices in Elementary Music Education Methods Courses with Recommendations for a K--4 Course of Study for the College of Basic Education in Kuwait2000
A Survey of Current Practices in the Teaching of College and University Music Appreciation Classes with Implications for Teaching the Course in Kuwait's College of Basic Education
A Proposed Four-year Undergraduate Vocal Performance Major Curriculum Guide for the Higher Institute of Musical Arts in Kuwait
Badreyah H. Abdali, Ph.D. Patricia Ooi, M.M. Sager Al-Ramzi, Ph.D. Sergio Luis Alvares , Ph.D. Christopher Sweeney, M.M. Walter G. Busse , Ph.D. Kaja L. Jenson, Ph.D. Douglas M. Jordan, Ph.D. Perry Lee, Ph.D. Elizabeth F. York, Ph.D. David J. Greennagel, Ph.D. Cathy H. McKinney, Ph.D. Lee W. Stone, Ph.D. Patrick M. Fortney, Ph.D. Merja A. Sargon, Ph.D. Yasmin Alvarez, Ph.D. Randy L. Bangs, Ph.D. Krista Erickson, M.M. Barry R. Garman, Ph.D. Deborah Knaus, M.M. Rebecca C. Kralik, Ph.D. Keitha V. Lucas, Ph.D. Raquel M. Montalvo, Ph.D. Mary E. Pocock, Ph.D. Michael B. Dressman, Ph.D. Gerald W. Siverson, Ph.D. 1999
A Method of Teaching Qanun Performance to Elementary-Aged Children
A Description and Comparison of Two prominent Keyboard Music Education Systems and their Implications for Music education in Malaysia1998
The History, Development, and Curriculum of the Institute of Musical Studies and the Higher Institute of Musical Art in Kuwait
A Rationale for and the Development of “Choro” Courses as a Proposed Model for Brazilian Popular Music Program s in Colleges and Universities o f Brazil
A Description of Student and Band Director Attitudes toward Concert Band Competition1997
Toward Objective Measurement and Evaluation of Jazz Piano Performance Via MIDI-Based Groove Quantize Templates 1995
The effects of selected classical music on writing and talking about significant life events
Alfred Reed: The Man Behind the Music
An Investigation of the Opportunities of Exceptional Students in Secondary Instrumental Music in Flori da Twenty Years after PL 94-142
The Effects of Music Therapy Interventions on Naming and Verbal Fluency in Persons with Probable Alzheimer’s Disease 1994
A Study of Selected Predictors of Jazz Vocal Improvisation Skills
The Effect of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music on Mood, Emotional Expression, Cortisol, and Immunologic Control of Latent Epstein-Barr Virus in Healthy Adults
The Effects of Systematic Aural/Visual Performance Modeling on Young String Instrumentalists’ Executive and Performance Skills 1993
Learning Style and Music Instruction Via an Interactive Audio CD-ROM: An Exploratory Study
An Examination of Primary, Middle, and Senior High School Students' Responses to Operatic and Popular Female Vocal Timbres (Order No. 9331529). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304071708). 1992
The Development and Evaluation of a Sequential Comprehensive Keyboard Curriculum for Senior High School
An Application of Amabile’s Model of Creativity to Music Instruction: A Comparison of Motivational Strategies
The Effect of Group Music Instruction and Computerized Tutorials on the Pitch-matching Ability of Pitch-defective Singers in Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade
The Effects of Accompaniment Texture and Contextual Pitch Distance on String Instrumentalists’ Intonational Performance
Evaluation of Middle School Students' Instrumental Performance Skills: A Comparison of Teacher Evaluations and Student Self-evaluations 1991
An Examination ot the Self-Concepts of Middle School Music Participants and Nonparticipants
The Effect of Contextual Condition on the Sight Singing Achievement of Middle School Choral Music Students
An Assessment of the Status and Needs of K-12 Public School Music Education in Puerto Rico
The Influence of Harmonic Complexity on Melodic Expectations 1990
The Development and Validation of a Test to Evaluate Selected Wind Instrument Performance Competencies of Middle School/Junior High School Instrumentalists (Order No. 9114795). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (303836586).
An Examination of The Extent to which Senior High School Band Programs Reflect Aesthetic and Utilitarian Goals
Marilyn C. Allen, M.M. Richard K. Fiese, Ph.D. Sammi S. Liebman, Ph.D. Deborah Mar, M.M. David C. McCalla, Ph.D. Mary F. Chavez, M.M. David L. Mills, Ph.D. Joseide G. Montarroyos, Ph.D. Martha L. Gackle, Ph.D. Richard Fiese, M.M Jacqueline S. Glass, Ph.D. Shelly Green, M.M. Rachel L. Lebon, Ph.D. Richard W. Weymuth, Ph.D. Frederico A. d. B. Manso, Ph.D. John S. Kuskinski, Ph.D. Russell L. Robinson, Ph.D. Pamela A. Sterling, Ph.D. Richard E. Stewart, Ph.D. John S. Brick, Ph.D. Sonja Poorman, M.M. Stephen Benson, M.M. Joseph P. Scartelli, Ph.D. William F. Schlacks, Ph.D. Lynne H. Micheletti, Ph.D. 1989
A Study of Dade County Public School Music Teachers' Practices and Attitudes toward Mainstreaming
An Examination of the Relationship a mong Conductors’ Rankings of the Relative Musical Quality of Three Unfamiliar Wind Band Scores
The Effects of Music and Relaxation on Third Trimester Anxiety in Adolescent Pregnancy
A Study of Selected Environmental and Socio-cultural Factors on High School Students' Music Ability
The Status of Class Piano Instruction in the Public Secondary Schools of Florida 1988
A Survey of String Instructional Practices in the Public Elementary Schools of Dade County, 1987-1988
The Meaning of the High School Band Experience and its Relationship to Band Activities
Music Education in Brazilian Public Elementary Schools: A Proposed Curriculum for Children of Ages Seven through Ten 1987
The Effect of Selected Vocal Techniques for Breath Management, Resonation, and Vowel Unification on Tone Production in the Junior High School Female Voice 1986
The performed repertoire of college and university wind bands 1980-1985
The Effects of a Microcomputer-Assisted Tuning Program on Junior High School Students’ Pitch Discrimination and Pitch-Matching Abilities
A Study of Secondary Choral Music Teachers' Management Responsibilities Related to Fund Raising, Publicity, and Touring/travel
The Effects of a Pedagogical Approach Incorporating Videotaped Demonstrations on thge Development of Female Vocalists’ “Belted” Voca l Technique
The Development and Evaluation of a Cognitive Music Achievement Test to Evaluate Missouri High School Choral Music Students 1985
An Examination of Music Education Philosophy and Practices in Grades One Through Four of the Municipal Primary Schools in Rio De Janeiro 1984
The Effect of Mouthpiece Cup Depth and Backbore Shape on Listeners' Categorizations of Tone Quality in Recorded Trumpet Excerpts
The Development and Evaluation of a Microcomputer-Assisted Music Instruction Program for the Improvement of Tonal Memory
A Developmental Study of the Effects of Accompanying Harmonic Context on ‘Vocal Pitch Accuracy of Familiar Melodies
A Comparison of Music Preferences of Students in Three Educational Systems: Seventh -Day Adventist, Public, and Private Independent Schools1983
The Effects of a Self-Instr uctional Program Utilizing The “Pitch Master” on Pitch Discrimination and Pitch Accuracy in Performance of Junior High School Trombonists
A Atudy of Views and Practices Regarding Sight Singing in Secondary School Choral Ensemble Rehearsals 1981
A Study of the Methods and Procedures of Twelve Massachusetts Jazz Nand Directors who Received the Highest Ratings in State Competitions in 1981
A Comparison of the Effect of Electromyographic ( Emg ) Biofeedback and Sedative Music, Emg Biofeedback Only, And Sedative Music Only on the Ability of University Music Majors to Relax the Frontalis Muscles
The Effect of Vocalization through an Interval Training Program Upon the Pitch Accuracy of High School Band Students 1980
An Assessment of the Vertical Method and the Ensemble Approach for Teaching Sight Reading to Secondary Class Piano Students
Robert C. Parker, Ph.D. Joseph Scartelli, M.M. Charles V. Burnsed, Ph.D. Manny Brand, Ph.D. James D. Ewing, Ph.D. William C. Robinson, Ph.D. Rasamma Nyberg, Ph.D. Frank A. Biringer, Jr., Ph.D. Jack A. Bullock, Ph.D. Philip H. Fink, Ph.D. William A. Moss, Ph.D. Raymond C. Williams, M.M. Julia E. Bojus, Ph.D. Arthur L. Evans, Ph.D. Robert F. Testa, Ph.D. Arthur M. Hansuld, Ph.D. Jack Grogan, M.M. Tran Ahn Linh, M.M. John M. Munroe, Ph.D. 1979
The Relative Effectiveness of the Tap System in Instruction in Sight Singing: An Experimental Study 1977
The Effect of Popular Music Instruction on the Attendance of Socially Maladjusted Junior High School Students1978
The Development and Evaluation of an Introductory Jazz Improvisation Sequence for Intermediate Band Students (Order No. 7901829). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302892022).1976
A Study of the Effectiveness of Simulation Techniques in Teaching Behavior Management Skills to Undergraduate Music Education Majors
Elaine Brown and Singing City: The Choral Art as a Communicative Social Force (Order No. 7712919). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302827083).
The Musical Preferences of Mental Patients Based on Cattell’s Interpretations of Factors Associated with Certain Aspects of Personality 1975
The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an Introductory Course in Ethnic Music for Use in the Secondary Schools 1974
The Development and Evaluation of a Systems Approach Curriculum for a Heterogeneous Beginning String Class
An Investigation of the Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction Attitudes, Training and Experience Histories of Superior Teachers of Junior High School Instrumental Music in New York State 1973
The Development And Evaluation Of Instrumental Materials For A Beginning Class In Heterogeneous Strings Including Guitar (Order No. 7325907). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302652502)
A Study in the Use of Bone Conduction Hearing as an Aid to Improving Out-of-Tune Singers (Order No. 7316862). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302652551).
The Relative Effectiveness of Three Types of Melodic Interval Training in the Improvement of High School Music Students to Identify Melodic Intervals1972
Music Education In Poland (Order No. 7231888). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302617121)
The Development Of The Negro Spiritual As Choral Art Music By Afro-american Composers With An Annotated Guide To The Performance Of Selected Spirituals (Order No. 7305837). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302701012).
The Effect Of Jaw-thrust Instruction On Four Selected Aspects Of Trumpet Performance And Overjet Of Young Players (Order No. 7231904). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (302618783)1971
The Development and Evaluation of Two Filmed Methods for Teaching Principles of Selected Musical Wind Instrument Skills on the College Level 1970
The Role of the Student Teacher in Secondary Music as Structured by State Agencies of Education
The Development of an Elementary-Level General Music Curriculum Based on Vietnamese Folk Music
The Nature of Group Opinion on Goals of Music Performance Groups in the Secondary Schools of Palm Beach County, Florida
Victor Bilanchone, Jr., M.M. Milford Kuhn, Jr., M.M. Neal Bonsanti, M.M. Stewart Brenner, M.M. John Lammers, M.M. Diane Penney, M.M. Julia Bojus, M.M. Richard Davis, M.M. Adele De Los Santos, M.M. William Higgins, M.M. Harry Johanson, M.M. Carl Nalls, M.M. Florence Nyberg, M.M. Arthur Parisi, M.M. Jesse Pearl, M.M. Juanita Rafield, M.M. William Day, M.M. Albert Hall, M.M. Tommye Kelly, M.M. Adam Fischer, M.M. Richard Dasher, M.M. Stanley Garlitz, M.M. Budd Malchus, M.M. Philip Paul, M.M. 1969
Teaching Music Concepts of Style in the Senior High School Choral Rehearsal with the Use of Audio-visual Aids
A study of the Effects of Background Music on the Mental Test Performance of Certain Students with High and Low Musical Aptitudes 1968
A Survey of Stage Band Curricula in the High Schools of Florida
A Survey and Analysis of Contemporary Opinion Fact and Research Concerning Embouchure, Breathing, and Tongue Usage as Applied to the Trumpet
A Comparative Study of Past and Present Scaling Practices of American Pipe Organ Builders
Some Recent Trends in Education and Piano Teaching as Evidenced in Selected Piano Courses 1967
A Survey and Evaluation of the Required Music Courses for Classroom Teachers at the University of Miami 1966
The Development of a Proposed Handbook for the Florida Vocal Association
A Survey and Analysis of Seventh Grade General Music in the United States with some Recommendations for its Improvement
A Study of the Effect of Participation in a High school Band on Academic Achievement and Social Adjustment
A Study of the Preparation and Effectiveness of Dade County High School Choral Directors
The Relationship between Creativity and Participation in a High School Music Program
The Problems in Adapting Selected Folksongs of India for use in the American Elementary School
Problems Involved in Composing and Arranging an Original Suite for Junior High School Band 1965
Problems involved in Transcribing Three Palestrina Works for Symphonic Band and their Application to Student Ear Training
An investigation of Existing Student Handbooks for Choral Students in Secondary Public Schools of Florida and a Proposed Student Handbook of Information for the Coral Gables Senior High School Choral Department 1963
Problems in Transcribing the Berlioz Overture "Rob Roy" for Concert Band
Problems in Arranging Four Songs by Victor Young for a High School Concert Band 1962
A Study and Evaluation of some Music Aptitude and Achievement Tests for Grades Four, Five, and Six 1961
Problems in Composing, Scoring, and Researching an Original Suite for Junior High School Orchestra 1960
Problems in Composing an Original Chorale, Variations and Fugue for Junior High School band
Problems Involved in the Composition and Orchestration of an Original Suite for Junior High School Band
Problems Involved in Transcribing Beethoven's Prometheus Overture for the Senior High School Band
Problems in Transcribing Johannes Brahms' Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Opus 56A, for Senior High School Band
Helen Rhorer, M.M. Frederic Ashe, M.M. Ove W. Jensen, M.M. Ernest Cowley, M.M. Clifford Alper, M.M. George Blumenthal, M.M. Authur Bodger, M.M. 1959
The Role of Auditory Memory in the Eevelopment of the Pianist as a Musician and a Performer1958
Problems in Scoring an Original Overture for Senior High School Band
Problems in Transcribing Selected Italian Polyphonic vocal compositions for High School Brass Ensemble1957
Problems Involved in Composing Music in a Contemporary Idiom for a Senior High School Band1956
A Survey and Analysis of Voice Training Classes in the Secondary School
Problems involved in the transcription of a Handel suite for a school band at the Junior High School levele
Thirty Bach chorales arranged as an aid for training players of string instruments